Toni Arehart
Toni Arehart is currently the Clearwater Programs Director at the ESU 8 Clearwater Learning Center in Clearwater, NE. She is in her 16th year of education. Her previous experiences include 7 years of Special Education, 2 years of General Education, 2 years as a School Counselor, 2 years as the ESU 8 MTSS Coordinator, and now 3 years as the ESU 8 Clearwater Programs Director. She supervises the ESU 8 Level III school that serves students aged 5-21 with significant disabilities and the ESU 8 Alternative Behavior school that serves students in grades K-6th. She offers classroom observations for students with behavioral needs in grades K-6 and gives recommendations/feedback on what supports to give these students with behavioral needs. She is available for collaboration and support to schools. Toni believes in giving schools the individualized support and guidance they need in order to help students succeed. Please contact her at any time at ESU 8 CLC.
“Fair isn’t everybody getting the same thing…Fair is everybody getting what they need in order to be successful.” ~Anonymous