We are here to lead, serve, and support.

In Your Schools
Jesse Zavadil

Jesse Zavadil

Assistant Administrator
(402) 887-5041 ext. 1238


Megan Dufek

Megan Dufek

MTSS Coordinator
(402) 887-5041 ext. 1226


I joined ESU 8 in August 2021 as the MTSS and PEaK Coordinator after spending ten years with Lincoln Public Schools. I initially started as a substitute teacher for LPS in 2011; then, I went on to teach 4th grade at Belmont Elementary (2012-2019) and finished my tenure with the district at Wysong Elementary teaching third grade (2019-2021). While I was at LPS, I served as a team leader, CIP co-chair, MTSS committee member, and PLC & Data Teams Facilitator. I received my first Master Degree from Doane University in Curriculum and Instruction with an endorsement in ELL in 2014 and later went on to receive my Master Degree in Educational Leadership in 2019. Currently in my role as MTSS and PEaK Coordinator, I support districts with their MTSS processes and systems, utilizing MTSS as a framework for Continuous Improvement. Other areas of focus for me are SEBL, PBiS, Instructional Coaching, CIP, and assisting districts with their Targeted Improvement Plans.

In my personal life, my husband and I have been married for thirteen wonderful years. We have three amazing daughters – Blair (7), Elliot (5) and Lola (5 months). We enjoy spending time outside, lots of arts and crafts, and going to family trips.

Katrina Gotschall

Katrina Gotschall

Staff Developer
(402) 887-5041 Ext. 1230


Jen Hagen

Jen Hagen

Professional Developer
(402) 887-5041 (ext. 1237)



My classroom journey began as a 5th-grade teacher in Valentine, Nebraska…where thanks to the Conoco lady, I met my husband, Paul. :) In 2003, we ventured down Hwy. 20 and settled in Atkinson, where I taught for three amazing years at a rural school south of town. During that time, I also worked on my Master’s in EDL from Doane…which led us further down Hwy. 20…to O’Neill Public Schools. While at O’Neill, I worked as the Curriculum Director/Rural School Principal and taught EDL and EDU classes for Doane. After five very happy years in O’Neill, my “dream job” came open as the 7-12 Principal in St. Paul, my alma mater. I spent twelve exciting years in St. Paul, but in 2023, I felt it was time for a new adventure. Hwy. 20 was calling me back! I am a professional developer with “the PD Dream Team” at ESU 8, supporting administrators and teachers through the Leadership Network, Principal Coaching, Instructional Coaching, New Teacher Academy, and School Safety.

Stephanie Lundgren

Stephanie Lundgren

Staff Developer
(402) 887-5041 ext. 1231



Formerly, I taught 2nd and 3rd grades in Northeast Nebraska and the Kansas City area.  Areas of focus for me at the ESU are English Language Arts, Fine Arts, Title I, NWEA-MAP, CIP, Acadience, Vocabulary, School Safety, Executive Function, Para Training Series, Marzano Instructional Model, MTSS, and Behavior.  Call or email me anytime!

Jaci Palmer

Jaci Palmer

Technology Integrationist
Heidi Rethmeier

Heidi Rethmeier

Data Coordinator
(402) 887-5041 Ext. 1229


Hello, northeast Nebraska educators. I am a lifelong learner who is passionate about education, my family, and equity. My goal in life is to become the person my dog thinks I am. At ESU 8 my role includes data coordinator, instructional coaching, and supporting math and science.