Megan Dufek

Megan Dufek

MTSS & PEaK Coordinator

Megan joined the ESU 8 in August 2021 as a MTSS & PEaK Coordinator. She came to the ESU after 10 years with Lincoln Public Schools. She initially started as a substitute teacher for LPS in 2011; then, she went on to teach 4th grade at Belmont Elementary (2012-2019) and finished her tenure with the district at Wysong Elementary teaching third grade (2019-2021). While she was at LPS, she served as a team leader, CIP co-chair, MTSS committee member, and PLC & Data Teams Facilitator. She received her first Master Degree from Doane University in Curriculum and Instruction with an endorsement in ELL in 2014. Megan later obtained a Master Degree in Educational Leadership in 2019. Currently, in her role as MTSS and PEaK Coordinator, she supports districts with their MTSS processes and systems, utilizing MTSS as a framework for Continuous Improvement. Her other areas of focus are SEBL, PBiS, Instructional Coaching, CIP, and assisting districts with their Targeted Improvement Plans.

In her personal live, she and her husband have been married for more than 13 years. They have three amazing daughters, Blair, Elliot, and Lola. As a family, they enjoy spending time outside, lots of arts and crafts, and going on family trips.

(402) 887-5041 ext 1226